Get To Know Me Tag

Thank you so much to Brookie @ Brookie Cowles for tagging me! This is a long tag, but I’m excited to do it. If you haven’t checked out Brookie’s blog, I suggest you do so immediately. I’m serious. Drop whatever you’re doing and go. I’ll wait.

Name: Christen

Nicknames: I don’t think I’ve ever had a nickname… Sometimes my dad calls me by my sibling’s names when he’s angry and doesn’t know who to yell at first. Does that count?

Birthday: May 16th

Star Sign: Taurus

Occupation: Production manager, blogger, reader, self-proclaimed comic relief.


Hair color: Dark brown, never dyed, never highlighted. Okay, I did get some of those chunky blonde highlights that were so popular in the early 2000’s. I looked a little something like this:



Hair length: An inch or two below my shoulders. I want to cut it into a bob, but I was a chicken in a past life.

Eye color: Brown, the color of dead plants and chocolate. My siblings got hazel and green eyes, respectively. I got brown. Rude.

Best feature: I’ve been told that I have a nice smile. DAMN RIGHT, I promised my orthodontist my first born child in exchange for these suckers.

Braces: Yes. My parents thought it would be really cool to put me in braces and get me my first pair of glasses in the 7th grade. That, along with those cool highlights, made me the most popular kid in my middle school. Obviously.

Piercings: Just my ears, and that was a chore. I may or may not have cried more than my 6 year-old (at the time) sister.

Tattoos: No way. 1. I hate needles. 2. I have nothing that needs to be permanently displayed on my body.

Right or left: Right!


Holiday: The first “holiday” I remember is my 2nd birthday. I wore a navy and white striped sailor dress and sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to my aunts. Sadly, my Broadway future has been postponed until further notice.


Best Friend: My first best friend was a girl who lived across the street from me when I was 3. She moved across the country when I was 5, and then moved back when I was 17. We didn’t keep in touch very well, but our moms did! Now, if I’m being honest, my best friend is my mom. I do have a few close girl friends, but we live far away from each other and I don’t get to see them often.

Award: Do participation trophies count? Actually I got “The President’s Award” for having straight A’s all through elementary school in the 5th grade. #NERRRD

Sport: I took dance when I was 3, and I was pretty awesome at it. But I had really bad stage fright and didn’t continue. Thus, my dream of being a Beyonce backup dancer goes down the tubes.

Concert: Aaron Carter! My best friend at the time was obsessed with him, and I went along for the ride. No, I didn’t get invited to Aaron’s Party.


TV shows: Game of Thrones, Outlander, Westworld, Friends, Grey’s Anatomy, Fixer Upper, White Princess, Orphan Black, The Magicians, Bachelor anything. I could name a million more, but that would get tedious.

Color: Clear waters, blue skies. My closet is about 50% black though, a reflection upon my soul. 3ocean02

Song: American Pie by Don McLean, Piano Man by Billy Joel (Seriously, anything by Billy Joel.) Lately, I’ve been really into Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran and Body Like a Back Road by Sam Hunt. I have a really broad taste in music, so I’ll listen to anything.

Restaurant: I don’t go out to eat enough to have a favorite restaurant… But anywhere I can get authentic Italian food is my jam.

Shop: Target. I will go into Target for one thing and come out with $100 worth of stuff I don’t need, every time.

Books: All of them.


Shoes: My favorite pair of shoes are these Kino flip-flops I bought in Key West. They’re super cheap and last forever. Seriously. My grandma bought a pair in the 1970’s and they’re still kicking.


Feeling: Happy, content, lazy AF

Single or Taken: Single and ready to mingle.


Eating: Nothing, but I’m thinking about chicken nuggets.

Thinking About: Chicken Nuggets.

Watching: Girlboss on Netflix (Learning so many new curse words!)

Wearing: Running shorts and a Tshirt because I clearly run a lot and don’t use workout clothes as pajamas. Ever.


Want Children: Eventually, preferably after I get married and travel a bit. I’m not quite ready to be responsible for another human.

Want to be married: Yes, and I don’t want to get divorced. I want to be one of those cute, old couples that people take pictures of and caption, “goals.” (What a millennial thing to say… I’m sorry. lol)

Careers in mind: I would love to work for a major publishing company in New York City. If I could work with my favorite authors and get paid to read books, that would be a dream. I’d also love to be an author myself, but we’ll see. My ability to execute my ideas in writing would have to drastically improve.

Where you want to live: I’ve always lived in Florida, so I’d love to experience a different climate than what I’m used to. Preferably a climate where the seasons change more drastically than hot and slightly less hot.


God: Absolutely.

Miracles: Of course, they happen every single day!

Love at first sight: No, love is something you have to work at and grow. You can be attracted to someone at first sight, but not in love with them.

Ghosts: I’ve never experienced one if they do exist, but I don’t want to piss anyone off if I say no.


Aliens: I think it’s possible. I find it hard to believe that we’re the only ones out there when the universe is so big.

Soul Mates: Yes, but I think you can have more than one, and I don’t think its limited to someone that you’re “destined” to be with. I think a soulmate is someone who speaks to your soul; someone who you instantaneously click with. It can be a best friend or a romantic partner.

Heaven: Of course!

Hell: Yes, and not today, Satan.

Kissing on the first date: Eh. I would say no, but I have been known to kiss on the first date on rare occasions.

Yourself: Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I’m working on it.


Irena @ Books and Hot Tea| Rachel @ Pace, Amore, Libre | Natasha @ Natasha Reads Books | Savannah @ The Book Prophet | Marta @ The Book Mermaid

20 thoughts on “Get To Know Me Tag

  1. TeacherofYA says:

    This made me laugh my ass off! You sound like me!! My mom does that too: yell at me by screaming my sister’s name first…unfortunately I am the middle child so it doesn’t take long to get to my name.
    Now I’m thinking of Chicken Nuggets.
    I had those chunky highlights! I thought I was so cool. I looked like a Zebra.
    This whole thing made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Why are we not best friends, my chocolate-eyed friend? 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rachel says:

    Thanks for tagging me! I love all your answers. Aaron Carter was my first concert too – he was performing with the A*Teens who I was obsessed with, so unfortunately I had to sit through him as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shaun Hume says:

    Hi Christen – great post!

    My name is Shaun and I’m an author, just wondering if you consider reviewing books, in exchange for a free ebook copy?

    Here is a link to my fantasy novel (Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith) on amazon, so you can have a look and decide if it may or may not be something you would be interested in reading –

    Thanks for taking the time to consider my enquiry, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.



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